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Not so strange to miss out pages when printing.
For example our telecom supplier provides PDF bills - with "This page intentionally left blank" When I print these for my accounts I don't want to waster toner & power on the blanks! Also - if I have letters to print that take more than 1 page I will want to print, say, page 1 in the upper tray (because that has headed paper on the current printer) and the rest on the lower tray. I could also want to print the first page on 1 printer and the rest on the second - OK I can do this with a page range in the Print GUI.
There is no point pushing keyboard sequences - it is too unproductive 
and Unix has gone beyond that now (wish someone would tell Ubuntu and 

On 15/08/2013 11:22, Ahmed Hasnaoui wrote:
Hello Cristian, *,

that is no proper solution.
I want it in a easier way (select page, select tray) right in the print UI, is it a physical impossibility?
Kind regards,


2013/8/15 Christian Lohmaier < <>>
    Hi Ahmed, *,

    On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:01 PM, Ahmed Hasnaoui
    < <>>
    > Yes, e.g.: Print page 1-3 from paper feeder 1, 5-10 from paper
    feeder 2 and so on.

    And omit page 4 - weired printing :-)

    The paper tray can be configured in the page style. No need to set it
    in the printer options every time.
    So use File|Printer Settings to choose the printer with multiple
    trays/set your default options there, and then use the stylist to
    assign the appropriate paper tray to your page-style und assign that
    to your document.


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