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At 2:19am -0400 Fri, 09 Sep 2011, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 09/08/2011 10:47 PM, julien2412 wrote:
Here is the pb :
if( 0 )<--- Found duplicate if expressions.
{ [...code...] }
else if( 0 ) { [...code...] }

I checked the history, it's there since 16/11/2000 (commit

could anyone explain to me the purpose of this ? Just a typo ?
It's preceded by comment "to be implemented if module supports CJK" a
few lines above at sd/source/ui/func/bulmaper.cxx:73, so I would say its
something like commented-out code that still awaits implementation...
Not that it's terribly large in terms of computation/memory in the grand 
scheme of things, but why have it compiled in, as opposed to using an 
#if 0 ?


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