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 Hi Henry, Sigrid,

Sigrid Carrera skrev 2010-10-12 16:42:
2010/10/12 HenryGR<>:
If this is not the right place for this, my apologies, pls. let me know.
Looking for Spanish language pages, found nothing and your comment is the one I
saw regarding languages.
Q. How can I create the Spanish (Spain, es-ES) pages?
I'm not sure, if my way is the right one - but I was able to create a
new DE related website just by changing/editing the URL. The next
thing I saw was a message that this page does not exist and I was
asked, if I want to create this page.
You can add a page for your language on the wiki. Follow the 
instructions there and create a page with the name ES/Main_Page by going 
to the following link, and click "Edit".

Also you can add the language to the Language Teams page:

The instructions are found here. Ask if you need any help.



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