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On 10 Oct 2016, at 21:43, Ashod Nakashian <> wrote:

Hi Pierre,

On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Pierre Lepage < 
<>> wrote:
OK. I understood. Changes are in the include directory. And there, there is no Makefile for just 
recompile this directory. So, I must recompile the whole thing. Not just the basic directory.

You need to invoke make from the root of the source (normally). But you can compile specific 
libraries if you want. You can use 'make <library name>'.

But I strongly suggest just running make in the source directory, followed by 'make check', 
before trying anything more advanced. You should get clean results before you move on.
you need to have a complete build before starting only compiling the directory you work in. If you 
do not have that, first of all make will build a lot more than you expect, and secondly you do not 
really know if it works.

Please remember if you do make <foo>, then the executable will not be build, so you cannot test it.

jan I.

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