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On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 09:04 +0200, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
An alternative (for other platforms too) might be to have the various 
URE interface libraries (sal etc.) be shallow wrappers that link against 
libmerged and just re-export their part (depending on how elegantly 
different architectures allow such re-exporting).
        Right - that's a good plan indeed; though I suspect that for Mac+Linux
the symlink idea is rather simpler practically [ not certain that it's
easy to safely re-export the same symbol you're implementing under an
ELF model ].

This is one place where the split into URE and LO directories may become 
a nuisance.  (It was rather harmless for other scenarios, even helps 
keeping the URE interface well-defined for extensions, so there's never 
been much incentive in undoing that.)
        I assume there is ABI impact in unfolding the URE hierarchy out
of /ure/lib etc. if so we'd need to keep it as-is.

Tue, 2013-04-09 at 17:29 -0400, Peter Foley wrote:
I was under the impression that the goal of libmerged was to
eventually include most, if not all of the various libraries in
libreoffice. If this is incorrect, I'd like to know what libraries
should and should not be in libmerged?
        Well ... times change of course; initially the plan was to accelerate
single-platform startup by doing one big I/O to load a single library
from disk, and to re-order that cleverly :-)

        Then the mobile targets arrived; so - it is indeed useful to try to
work out why libmerged is failing when we have everything linked into
one piece - because that is the same as the mobile case. So your
investigation work is appreciated there - it's surely easier to debug on
a PC than under Android :-)

        You might also find that in fact it is faster to have everything in one
blob - ie. the whole suite there, and that LTO and PGO will give a
better result for that; certainly for some use-cases such as LibreOffice
on-line having a single very large, fully internally resolved library
would be rather more memory efficient for lots of connecting clients I
suspect, faster to get running etc. So it is by no means wasted work -
are you interested in creating an mode for --enable-merge-libs=all (or
sim.) that does that ?

        And did you get any further with the debugging ?



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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