On Wed, 6 Aug 2014 19:01:19 +0200
Florian Reisinger <florei@libreoffice.org> wrote:
Hi Tom,
If we do not find the bugs in the fresh version, they won't be
resolved until the rename to Stable/Still. If less use Fresh, the
quality of the next stable will be lower.... Does this help?
That is true, but it still seems dangerous to push new users towards
Fresh. If users start with Stable, then, after learning that it is
stable, are pushed towards Fresh to get newer features, then the ones
who want stability won't move across and will be happy, and the ones who
want new features will move, knowing there is stability to fall back
on, and so will also be happy. Should they find that everything works,
they will be happy with new features, and should they find instability,
they will be happy to fall back on the stable version, knowing that
they had taken a *slight* risk.
Conversely, if you push all new people to Fresh, any who find no bugs
will be happy, but any that find bugs will have the impression that LO
is buggy and unstable, and won't necessarily know about Stable to fall
back on. Those that are told about Stable will undoubtedly grumble
about the fact that they should have been told about it in the first
I'm not saying that this is a simple matter, just that in my opinion it
is far better to offer the Stable branch as the default install, and
urge users to try out the Fresh branch when they start asking about
features. Once they've gotten as far as asking about features, they're
already far enough in the process to get help should there be any
unexpected problems with Fresh. Also, giving proper explanations (well,
proper brief explanations with a link to a more detailed explanation) on
the download page lets new users evaluate the choice themselves, and
that way they are less likely to be angry when caught out by something.
There should still be enough users of Fresh in this scenario to allow
for the needed user testing.
Liebe Grüße, / Yours,
Florian Reisinger
Am 06.08.2014 um 11:17 schrieb Tom Davies <tomcecf@gmail.com>:
Hi :)
This seems to be contradicting what Charles is saying.
Also is it really a good policy to force new and unwitting users to
act as guinea-pigs? Should all new users be pushed into finding
and fixing bugs? Would it really be bad to give them a clear and
easy route to a less buggy version? Regards from Tom :)
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Still? (continued)
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