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On Sun, 23 Feb 2020 02:15:21 +0100
Regina Henschel <> dijo:

left [ stack{""+"consonantal"#""-"voice"#""+"continuant"} right none
That works lovely, but getting the leading right is not easy. This
needs to be in a line that says <formula> → <formula> / <formula>

In case that didn't make it in the e-mail, the character between the
first two formulas is a right arrow. The right arrow and the slash need
to be centered on the formula. If I make the leading for that center
line with the arrow and slash tall enough so the three-line formulas all
appear with their brackets then the arrow and slash end up not aligned
with any of the lines in the formula. 

This looks like it might be lots easier than messing with formulas,
but I don't have a Symbols toolbar. When I installed LO I thought I
installed absolutely everything, but maybe I missed something.  
No you missed nothing. Look in the Standard toolbar. There should be
an icon "Show Drawing Functions" somewhere on the right end of the
Standard toolbar. Click it. It opens the toolbar "Drawing". It is
likely docked to the bottom or to the left side. On this toolbar you
see a Smiley with a little triangle, click the triangle to open the
sub-toolbar "Symbol Shapes".
Thanks, I found the bracket symbols, but 1) the corners are rounded, 2)
they look kind of faint on the screen so I tried to find a way to
specify the thickness of the line, but it's not there. And 3), for some
reason they do not print. I don't know why the corners are rounded, but
I can't really use them, so I guess it doesn't matter if they don't
print and I can't change the line width. 

Too bad, because the double bracket might be really easy to use. All
I'd have to do is make myself a little chart for the heights I'd need
for a two-line, three-line, four-line, etc. formula.

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