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I am not sure how many work firefox personas are. In general l would prefer
different color schemes instead of personas.

Stephan Bergmann <> schrieb am Do., 6. Sep. 2018, 08:41:

On 05/09/18 20:49, Heiko Tietze wrote:
  * Personas not found again
    + importance high/major!
    + Options:
      + remove this feature completely
      + don't access images via network but ship a few and make the
feature an extension
      + revamp the code to adopt the new API
      + ?
    => preference to simplification and extension (Heiko)
Not sure from the above what part exactly of the feature you want to
turn into an extension (the code itself or the persona data), but one
note:  In general, be careful when including new kinds of data content
in extensions.  That creates new interfaces between LO and extensions,
and those interfaces need to be kept compatible, which is a maintenance

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