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On 19/11/10 17:39, Michael Meeks wrote:
On Fri, 2010-11-19 at 16:33 +0000, Andrew wrote:
I might have a go if you can give me some way to invoke the crash report
detector - so I can see what it looks like.
      We need more crashes ! [ "there's an app for that" ;-]. You could (I
guess) try killing soffice.bin thusly:

      pkill -11 -f soffice.bin

      (simulating a SEGV) - really we should have some regression tests that
do this sort of thing as well - to test the crash recovery code.



Hmm, that crashed LibreOffice, and then when I started it again, the
Document Recovery Tool opened. At the last step, where it says 'Click
next to open the Error Reporting Tool', I clicked next, but the error
reporting tool didn't open and it just went to Writer.

I am using the latest build from the LibO website - how can I access the
error reporting tool?



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