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Have you tired and downloaded the full package from LO's servers for 
either the DEB or RPM version of LO that works for your system?
Are you working on "compiling" a version specifically for your version 
of Linux or just installing one?   I am not sure what you are saying.
Have you tried running an external dictionary extension, installing it 
via the Extension Manager?
You can get most of the dictionaries in the .oxt format, by going to the 
LO Extension site - - 
or by going to the NA-DVD Dictionary Page - -  for the 
over 180 listings there.
Personally, I never use the Repository versions of LO.  I prefer to use 
the versions that are found on the LO download pages, which then are 
copied to the NA-DVD pages.  I use Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04.  10.04 does 
not have LO beyond the mid 3.5.x versions [last time I checked].  I use 
3.5.7 till 3.6.4 or .5 comes out.  3.6.4 comes out in just a few weeks.
Here is a link that might talk a little about what you are using.

The question I have is can us use the RPM or DEB install files provided by LO, or are you forced to create the LO version by compiling/making it from the source files?

On 11/15/2012 01:34 PM, piernov wrote:
Hey, I don't know if it's the right place to ask, but I'm experiencing some
problems building LibreOffice on GNU/Linux 32-bit.
I'm using this Pkgfile (build file for NuTyX's pkgmk (originally Crux's
one)) :
additional_source (list of packages to download from LibreOffice's server
because they're not present on the system) :
build_error.log :
list of installed packages :
My system is a chroot of an highly modified NuTyX pakxe.4, so you can't find
any information on it. (but that may help : → My
outdated repositories of packages).
Thank you in advance.

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