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Am 24.04.2015 um 14:55 schrieb Andreas Säger:
Am 24.04.2015 um 14:08 schrieb Tom Davies:
Hi :)
Have you tried Gnumeric for spreadsheet work?  It is a dedicated
spreadsheet program rather than being part of a suite so there are quite a
few advantages to it for serious spreadsheeting work.
Regards from
Tom :)

Since Gnumeric is a more "serious" toy than the somewhat "baroqe" toys
Calc and Excel, it supports 65.536x256 columns (2^15 x 2^8). This used
to be the standard for 3 decades (80ies until 2007).
On a Linux system it takes no more than 3 seconds to check this out
because Gnumeric starts in less than 2 seconds.

Since nobody corrects my error, I've got to do it by myself:
My Gnumeric 1.10.17 (shipped with Ubuntu 12.4) allows me to adjust the
rows and columns within limits.
menu:Edit>Sheet>Adjust Size... opens a dialog with two sliders.
You can adjust the row count from 128 up to 16777216.
You can adjust the column count from 128 up to 16384.

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