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On 09/09/2015 10:20 AM, Noel Power wrote:
On 09/09/15 09:05, David Tardon wrote:
On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 11:05:20AM +0200, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
or what
"Allow Input as symbol for action option compatible" shall even mean:
I suppose it means using

Option Compatible

statement in the basic code.
yes it's to do with Compatiblity mode (and thus also VBASupport which
iirc implicitly sets the compatability mode),  note: I know nothing
about this fix or associated issue. But wont that codel now error out
with 'syntax error' where it would have previously passed assuming the
mode and token values matched ? Might make more sense to change the
conditional inside the 'if( SbiTokenizer::IsKwd( eTok ) ) ' test to
error out as appropriate (but not make the useless token assignment
Argh, sure.  You sometimes stare at code too long and hard to still be 
able to see the obvious.


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