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Hi Drew

Le 29/04/11 02:31 PM, drew a écrit :
On Fri, 2011-04-29 at 13:54 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
Hi everyone

Just a big thanks to Drew who presided over the inaugural meeting of the
NA Community IRC meeting. It was nice to "test the waters" for the first
time and, yes, there never seems to have enough time to get to all items
that were planned.

I was wondering if we had decided whether or not to publish the logs or
minutes of the meeting.
Hi Marc, others

Really - thought it was clear we would?

  - haven't put them up but they will go, I suppose (other suggestions?),
on the same page as and below the schedule/agenda section at:

Most of the agenda is the same for the next meeting - only 1 or 2 things
comes off, IMO, but I haven't read the log to write minutes yet (they
will be only a ~dozen lines of text likely). I should have that late
today, tomorrow otherwise.

One item was agreed (between yesterdays participants) to have this as a
scheduled monthly event for the next 3 months.

Marc accepted responsibility for setting up that schedule.

@Marc, if I stick with putting the minutes on that page below the agenda
area, then it sounds like a good spot for you to edit, above that for
the schedule.

my .02



Sounds good.



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