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On Saturday, March 15, 2014 11:45:50 AM Jay Lozier wrote:
Hi Tim,

Is this primarily a US initiative? I am in the Atlanta area and I have
not heard anything about this locally.

I am interested.


On 03/15/2014 12:56 AM, wrote:
Is anyone interested in creating a LibreOffice for Education Text Book

This can and probably should be setup as its own working group.

The California Open Source Textbook Project
Is currently seeking Open Source Text Books for The California Public
Schools K-12. They require the material to be presented in a Text Book
style. This would be a good way to get LibreOffice into Word Processing
Classes in California High Schools as well as schools around the world.

College Open Text Book Is also
Text Books for use in Colleges, This would be a good opportunity to get
LibreOffice into College's across the US!

Open Text Book Library is another College Initiative as well.

There are quite a few more of these organizations that partnerships could
be established with as well.

I have been seeing a number for these popping up and I have seen some that
will pay $20,000 USD for Creative Commons Text Book Donations late last
year which could be used to help fund the this working group. Community
developed software with educational community developed Course-ware would
work out pretty well.

These initiatives would require producing a full text book with exercises

As The LibreOffice Software already has an unbeatable low cost all we are
missing to take over the education sector is unbeatable low cost
course-ware to go with it.

Establishing a full LibreOffice For Education program with the goals of
not only producing the text books but also full courses and possibly
Moodle course ware, Produced courses could even potentially be made
available at edX (Which has a Free Into To Linux
Course this year for those who have not registered for it yet.) It is a
$2,400 course normally taught by The Linux Foundation.


I am in The Texas area.

I only check into US based Open Text Book Projects.


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