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On 2011-04-28 1:40 AM, Cliff Scott wrote:
Charles Marcus wrote on Tue, 26 Apr 2011 11:17:17 -0400
Two? I have only ever had to deselect all of the other dictionaries, the
language itself is usually only defaulted to install English.

Or is there another one I've been missing that accounts for why the
properties in 'Add/Remove Programs' still shows the hug string of every
single language even though I only want/need English?
It still normally installs a whole list of language packs, but doesn't use
them unless you later request to change languages.
Not when I've installed it (dozens of times now) - it only has two
languages seletced by default - EN-US and EN-UK (I think, thats from
memory)... but I know it is only the dictionaries I have to deselect-all
then select only the english...

This is on Windows, both XP and 7...


Best regards,


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