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Hello Noel,
his is under Ubuntu Linux.
I'm trying to track down a stack overflow in my code, and I'm having some
trouble running the unit tests under GDB and getting debugging symbols.

I'm doing
then running the module build under /sc
and then breaking the runaway process using
  kill -5
and then doing 'bt' in GDB

I think you should enable symbols in sc by running make clean && make
-sr debug=true in sc.

Then normally

EXPORT GDBCPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args" should open a gdb shell where you
just type run and can debug the unit test like a normal program. It
might be a bit tricky depending on which unit test you want to debug
because this works only for the first one. So you might need to remove
the second one from if you want to debug the other one.



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