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Thank you Stephan for the hint. Dependency's profiling the "soffice.bin" execution from within Java worked and I got a longer log. However, since I'm no C(++) or Windows programmer I wouldn't know where to search for a bug in the Java64->UNO->Libreoffice64 process.
Would somebody like to take a quick look at the log file, please? It's here:

Or are there people in the Libreoffice developer team who know more about this whole UNO thing, in order to spot the error when LO 64-Bit is being called from Java 64-Bit?
Thanks for any help.


Am 24.08.2015 um 10:49 schrieb Stephan Bergmann:
On 08/22/2015 02:47 PM, Aurelius Octavian wrote:
With "Depends tool" do you mean the Depency Walker (depends.exe) ?
I didn't find another tool which would sound similar to what you mentioned.
Yes, that's what I meant.

In any case, I fail to open my Java program with "Depency Walker", since
the latter wants to open "Windows modules" only, i.e. ".exe", ".dll" files.
However I start my Java program with a ".bat" script which the Depency
Walker doesn't want to open:
  java -cp myapp.jar;unojarfiles.jar myclass
Then find the java.exe that would be started by the above batch script, open
that in Dependency Walker, and set the "-cp myapp.jar..." arguments when
starting java from within Dependency Walker.

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