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Excellent! Thanks for the correction. Sometimes, because I read so much
every day, I get things wrong. It sure appears that I did so in this case.


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Tom Cloyd, MS MA LMHC (WA)
Psychotherapist (psychological trauma, dissociative disorders)
Spokane, Washington, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
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On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 9:41 AM, M Henri Day <> wrote:

2017-02-17 18:17 GMT+01:00 Tom Cloyd <>:

You guys are missing something here. I don't have the link, but I read a
news report on this (in The Guardian perhaps) which said that what had
happened was that has been a group of conservatives in city government who
have been opposed to the switch to opensource from the start have assumed
leadership in the government. This change appears to be happening because
they are now calling the shots.

Tom Cloyd, MS MA LMHC (WA)

If they pay more taxes to the city, then there might be a deal to not
for a "tax discount" if the city uses M$ products.

In my city and county [in USA] a big reason we get business is due to
governments involved will give then some reduced taxes, or tax free,
for a
number of years.  They do this to help the area employ more people who
the type of work offered.  Now we have an arena that needs a new owner
we loose a lot of events along with our hockey teem.  The new buyer
the city and county to replace the "ice plant" at a cost of 1.5 million
dollars or it is no deal.

So if M$ moves into the city, there has to be some advantage to M$,
I bet that the property taxes are higher than the old location.

On 02/17/2017 09:43 AM, H. Stoellinger wrote:

Well, from what I know, Microsoft moved offices from the area outside
Munich into the town.
Whether this had an influence on the decision of the city council? God
only knows;-)...

Am 2017-02-17 um 15:25 schrieb M Henri Day:

2017-02-17 12:21 GMT+01:00 message <>:

Is there a trail of money between m$ and munich?

​I know of no evidence, but if one is adept at avoiding taxes, money
saved to use for other purposes :

​Tom, there have been a plethora of articles on München's decision to
switch back to Microsoft, and one of the important factors seems indeed to
have been a change in the municipal administration. But from what I
understand it was not a new «conservative» ​
​ i e, CSU​
​ majyr that pushed for this change, but a Social Democrat​
​ (SPD), Dieter Reiter (
bearer-munich-dumps-linux-windows-10.html) :

«All Munich city computers were running on Linux. However, the 2014
arrival of a new lord mayor, Dieter Reiter of the Social Democratic Party
(SPD), spelled trouble for the flagship scheme. Reiter wanted the city to
move back to Windows and commissioned a report from consultants, including
Microsoft partner Accenture, which said
staff should be given the option of using Windows 10 and Microsoft Office.

Now the administration’s Windows move will be put to vote and if approved,
Munich’s desktops will be running on Windows 10 all the way. In the
interim, the committee suggested, city workers should still be able to run
Windows or LiMux as they choose.

“The mayor was against free software from the beginning,” said Matthias
Kirschner, the president of Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). “When
he was elected, he took pride in getting Microsoft to move their office to
Munich [a move that took place last September]. He even gave this study to
Accenture, which is a Microsoft partner.”»

Our friends at the Foundation will no doubt have (some of) the details....


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