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Thought it would be better to start a new thread for this. . . .

I have been doing some work on the "Writer - Quick Reference Guide and Cheat-sheet"

page. Tom created the Wiki page for me and I am starting to fill out the different "outlined" sections.
I spent a bit of time on the "Supported Document file formats" and 
"Working with the Tools - Options Menus" sections. I do not remember the 
three/four letter "mime extensions" for some of the formats, so I hope 
someone can let me know what they are.
I hope the "boxes" in the "Working with the Tools. . . " section under 
the "LibreOffice" > "General" > "Help" sub-section will show up on other 
people's browsers [and this email].
    ? Tips
    ? Help Agent
    ? Extended Tips

There should be a "box" before each of the three options there. It shows that these are check-box options, and will have that noted in the text somewhere.
I hope other will help me fill in the information in this Wiki Page.  I 
have no problem with people emailing me off list 
["" or ""] with 
information to be included.  It would be nice to have the text ready for 
copy/paste to Writer, and then after some simple 
editing/spell-checking/etc., then it will be copy/paste to the Wiki page.
If someone has a list ofKeyboard Shortcuts or other "solutions and/or 
answers" then it would help the task of creating this page go faster.
AFTER the Wiki page is far enough along, then the information on the 
page[s] will be formatted to an .odtand/or .pdf file of 6, 8, or 10 page 
Quick Study Guide and Cheat-Sheet. That "Quick Guide" will be online for 
anyone to download, print and use. Personally, I would like to laminate 
the "sheet" so it will not get crumpled or mangled with use.  The 
"professional" guide you buy are most always laminated. The ones I buy are.
So, let us help out the Document Writers and createthis "Writer - Quick 
Reference Guide and Cheat-sheet". Any one who wants to start working on 
the Calc, Draw, Impress, Math, and Base sheets, be my guest.  I think 
they will need to be on there own pages though.

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