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On 28/06/16 17:50, CVAlkan wrote:
To elaborate on Mr. Foote's entry method for unicode characters:

Depending on your set up, it isn't always necessary to type the "U+" part of
the code point. As long as the hex value is separated from earlier text, you
can just type it and then press the Alt+x (the "x" doesn't need to be
capitalized, nor is the shift key used).

So for example, if I want to write "The next note in the music is preceded
by a ♯" this can be entered by typing "The next note in the music is
preceded by a 266f" and then immediately pressing Alt+x. Note, however, that
this method only works in LibreOffice, and only if there is a font available
that contains the characters you need.

Interestingly, that method doesn't work in this forum, so I entered the
character using the more general (in Linux anyway - haven't used Windoze for
a while) method of typing Ctrl+Shift+u, which results in an underlined "u"
appearing: at which point you would type 266f followed by either a space or
the Enter key, which will display the desired character.

As for the automatic substitution of © for (C) [or (c) in your case], I have
gotten so used to immediately using Ctrl+z that I don't even notice it
anymore - in your case, however, where it is important to the integrity of
your outline, I would remove it from the autocorrect as others have
described. If you actually need to copyright symbol regularly, define it as
[c] or something else that you can remember.
I'm a little lost with this thread and I'm sorry I missed the beginning.
Did it start with a particular branch of LO Writer ?

I had often wondered how to apply a unicode character using the form
U+266f and have resorted on the few occasions when I needed one, to
inserting Special Characters.

With LO Writer in UbuntuStudio, Alt+x doesn't toggle unicode. In
fact the keyboard shortcut lists show that practically nothing is
defined with the use of the Alt key (only Alt+backspace = undo,
Alt+shift+F8 = Block Area).

Also Ctrl+Shift+u does nothing and is undefined in the keyboard shortcuts.

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