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On 11/06/11 16:12, planas wrote:

On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 03:18 +0200, Cor Nouws wrote:

Hi all,

Apparently we find ourselves in an interesting situation. With the 3.4.0 
release, there are obviously more questions, people stumbling over bugs.
  - So to help the users, it is useful to point them to the fact that 
there is a stable 3.3.2 (3.3.3 soon) that they can use with more comfort.
  - However ... it is both valuable for the project, when the all do 
some work with the 'early adopter' versions.
So, I would propose that the regular helping hands on this list, try to 
allow for both interests. Apart from the mentioned arguments, it may as 
well be appealing for quite some people to, to try working with relative 
new features etc etc.

What do you think, would it be possible and useful (of course depending 
on the individual mail) to pay attention to both aspects?

That would obviously result in an attitude in which people are not only 
pushed back from the 3.4.0 to an older version, nor withhold explanation 
about the choice they have to work with one or another.. Well, each can 
find his own short or long sentences to explain :-)

some related links:


  - Cor
I have noticed that 3.4.0 seems to support 2010 docx and xlsx formats better than 3.3.2. I have 
not had any major issues with 3.4.0, quirky one issue in Calc but not a show stopper.

I have 3.4.0 on my laptop trialing it, then to filter to the desktop at
home with 3.3.2 and finally to the office with the most stable version.
I am happy to answer to any version I am using, I think if the person
asking the question is clear what version he is using the answers will
be appropriate.

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