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Hi :)
Weirdly it was never really OOo in openSUSE, Ubuntu or most of the others.  It was marketed as 
being OOo but in fact they combined resources to produce a fork called Go-oo.  

LibreOffice started largely from the Go-oo fork.  Well, it was the OOo code but Go-oo merged with 
that very soon after LO became independent.  That was the main reason why LibreOffice was so much 
more developed and had so many bug-fixes so fast.  A lot of the patches and developments that Sun 
had blocked had already been tested and used for years in openSUSE, Ubuntu and others.  I think 
almost all the Go-oo devs moved into LibreOffice and they even modified their website to say that 
Go-oo had moved to LO and ceased being a separate fork.  One of the main devs in LibreOffice is 
from the SUSE project and kinda seconded to TDF and LO but was formerly kinda seconded to Go-oo.  

So, really you have always been using LibreOffice just that it was really Go-oo before and loosely 
called just to avoid confusing the outside world with so many different forks and 
Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: James Knott <>
To: LibreOffice <> 
Sent: Friday, 5 April 2013, 13:11
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Differences with LO & OO

It was created in about 4 years ago, so it would have been created in OO, though I don't recall 
the version.  However, I have been working with it in LO, ever since it replaced OO in openSUSE.

Steve Edmonds wrote:
What was the document created in and what version.

On 2013-04-05 14:39, James Knott wrote:
I have both LibreOffice and OpenOffice on my computers.  One thing I've noticed is that 
documents don't always appear the same in them.  For example, I have one document which is a 
table in landscape mode in LO, but appears in portrait mode in OO.  Is this a problem with Open 
Document Formats?  Or one of the apps?

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