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Dear Mirosław Zalewski:
I found an other convenient way to preload Libreoffice without tray icon,
just put the following command line in ~/.xinitrc:
soffice  --nodefault --nologo &

Then, Libreoffice will be preloaded without tray icon in the background
after I get into X.

Thanks for your idea~

Best Regards,

2014/1/14 minhsien0330 <>

Dear Mirosław Zalewski:
Your solution is really a  very good idea!!!
Thank you!!!

Best Regards,

2014/1/14 Mirosław Zalewski <>

Dnia 2014-01-13, o godz. 16:33:32
minhsien0330 <> napisał(a):

Dear all:
When we checked the option "Enable systray Quickstarter", we preload
libreoffice and have a "Libreoffice logo" icon on system tray.
But there are too many icons on my tray, can I preload Libreoffce
without tray icon?

Since you have revealed in other message that you are using Linux:
grab script below, save it, add executable flag (chmod +x and
make it run at start of your desktop environment of choice.


if ps -C soffice.bin >/dev/null 2>&1; then

sleep 90
soffice --nodefault --nologo &
echo $PID > /tmp/lo-quickstarter
sleep 10
kill $PID

How it works:
It takes advantage of Linux smart memory management. When you run
application, Linux loads it into memory (RAM). It stays there then,
just in case you decide to run it later on. But it is marked as
"cache", so if you want to open another application, and running low on
memory, Linux will delete marked data from RAM to make up space for
this new application.
In high level steps: this script fires up LibreOffice in non-graphical
mode (so all libraries etc. are loaded into RAM), wait few seconds and
then kills process. LibreOffice will be in memory from now on. When you
start it again, you will perceive that process as much faster.

What it does, step by step:
1. Check whether libreoffice is running. If it is, just finish. We
don't want to break anything.
2. Wait 90 seconds. Starting graphical interface usually means starting
a bunch of services and many disk reads. Since LibreOffice is low
priority (we want our desktop responsive as fast as possible), we
somehow "queue" it on the end of boot process.
3. Run LibreOffice in "non-graphical mode" - hide splash screen and UI.
4. Save LibreOffice PID (Process ID - a number that uniquely identifies
each application running on system) for later use.
5. Wait 10 seconds for LibreOffice to finish starting. We don't want to
interrupt it on start, as something bad might happen (although
6. Stop LibreOffice, identified by PID earlier. This way we make sure
that we don't stop another application by mistake.

One drawback that I have noticed - if you force stop LibreOffice with
documents opened, it will ask you what to do with these documents on
next start. And this "next start" sometimes happen to be that script
running. This might lead to unwanted windows popping up shortly after
machine boot.

I am using that script since some time and I am enjoying LibreOffice
perceived boot in 4-5 seconds on my dated machine.
Best regards
Mirosław Zalewski

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