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Selon Cedric Bosdonnat <>:

So Hierarchical as default would not be my choice.
Default is more then enough.

I must admit that even if I been using OpenOffice for nearly 10 years, I never
use that dialog so I've maybe not made a good choice for my first jump in the
I have to understand the exact expectations.

So let's go :
A) with a clean build (no patch) and a clean 'registry' (.libreoffice erased in
I see :
1) I fire writer and open the dialog --> Automatic
2) I select, for example, Index Style, close and reopen the dialog --> Index
3) I close writer and open it again  --> Index Style
4) I fire calc --> All styles
5) I close writer and open it again  --> Index Style
6) I choose Custom styles in calc --> Custom styles
7) I open an other calc --> Custom styles

B) with a patched build and a clean 'registry'
I see :
1) I fire writer and open the dialog --> Automatic
2) I select, for example, Index Style, close and reopen the dialog --> Index
3) I close writer and open it again  --> Index Style
4) I fire calc --> All styles
5) I close writer and open it again  --> Index Style
6) I choose Custom styles in calc --> Custom styles
7) I open an other calc --> Custom styles
All the same.
8) I choose Hierarchical in writer and close the dialog --> Hierarchical
9) I close the dialog in calc and open it --> All styles
10)I open the dialog in writer --> Hierarchical
11)I close writer and open it again  --> Hierarchical
12)I close calc and open it again  --> All styles
13)I close both and open calc --> All styles
14)I open writer --> Hierarchical
15)I choose Applied styles in calc --> Applied styles
16)I close calc and open it again --> Applied styles
17)I open an other calc --> Applied styles

My question : is the problem in 11) and 14) ?



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