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On 30/06/12 21:32, Miklos Vajna wrote:
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 02:27:44PM -0700, Joel Madero <> wrote:
Friendly discussion about if we can commit to putting a "minimum version"
or a "since" on our API documentation. We've had a user put in a bug report
(I closed as not a bug but thought it was valid anyways) that we don't
consistently -- or more accurately, rarely ever -- put a minimum version
with our API documentation. Here is the example he provided:
it does look like this one really does lack a since tag, and it should
have one, hence it's really a bug.  i've fixed that now, please somebody
backport 2af8619ac052f54b258865edb6937c6fe820da5d to libreoffice-3-5.

Would this be possible for us to try to do? If so is there documentation
somewhere that we need to update for new devs to look at when making API
documentation that will now include a requirement for minimum version?
Hm, sounds like is not updated regularly -- in my
local build I have the "since" info in for example

Andras, do you know if we have a cronjob for doing that, please?
i'm not sure if a cronjob is necessary -- the API documentation on the
website should be generated from the latest stable release, and that
doesn't change so often; it would need a manual switch to the next
release branch in any case.


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