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Thanks for the fix. Pushed


On Mon, 2012-05-14 at 23:21 +0200, Andras Timar wrote: 

In some circumstances installation of embedded VC++ runtime fails with
error code 1935. This usually occurs, when there are many different
versions of VC++ runtimes installed on the computer, including beta
versions. We can workaround this Microsoft bug, if we don't install
our VC++ runtime. A new property was introduced. It is called
VC_REDIST, and installation of VC++ runtime depends on its value. (BTW
the solution is general, ComponentCondition can be used for any merge
module, now we have only the VC++ runtime merge module.) When the user
experiences error code 1935, he should try to install LibreOffice with
the following command line:
msiexec /i <msi file name> VC_REDIST=0

The patch fixes another minor issue. 64-bit VC++ runtime will not be
installed on 32-bit systems any more.

Best regards,
LibreOffice mailing list


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