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On Mon, 2011-11-07 at 16:17 +0100, Cor Nouws wrote:
    Heh - so, I'd be inclined to recommend installing the packages, and
then moving the results away to somewhere else - that may turn out to be
rather more reliable [but will break system integration no doubt].
Isn't that what happens if I:
  - then finaly change bootstraprc for a different userprofile location
        No idea :-) but it's fairly easy to tell.. Try it one way, then try it
the other way, and do:

        diff -u -r path-one path-two

        Which may show something interesting.

I will look what is the latest daily build (that I can find) without the 
problem. Will report later...
        Thanks :-)


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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