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On 12/11/2014 05:30 PM, edo1 wrote:
mhenriday wrote
2014-12-11 20:34 GMT+01:00 edo1 <
On a Win_x86 machine on my  LAN I'm asked to update LO ver 4.3.1, which I
to But on a Win_x64 machine running ver 4.2.6-secfix, LO says
up to date.

So I'm confused. Which is the latest version? Should I update the secfix
version even though LO isn't asking for one?

​If I understand matters aright, edo1 - and someone is sure to correct me
otherwise - ​
​LibreOffice updates *within*​

​each series. Thus 4.3.1 will update to, but r.2.6 will not jump
the 4.3 series....

As to whether you should update the latter to the former, after comparing
the two on your two respective machines, which do you prefer working with
Thanks for your reply, I believe you're correct. As it turns out, just
*asking* the secfix version to update renders it unopenable. I just deleted
it and installed a fresh ver. Hope I'm now back on the main fork.

"main fork"?
That is the first time I have seen that term for one of the version of LibreOffice.
Is the "main fork" the 4.3.x series or the 4.2.x series?

As I understand it, is due to come out in the next few days.
Also, I saw an announcement that came out a few days ago.

I am running both the 4.2.x and 4.3.x series on my various Windows and "deb" based Linux systems.
Of course, I am a little behind in the creation of a NA-DVD for the 
4.2.x series, and will need to create the 4.3.5 DVD when its installs 
come out.
Well, hopefully my "health issues" will allow me to get them done, and hopefully my main desktop stops giving the feeling it is about to die and start working like it should. I cannot afford to buy a desktop that has enough SATA ports [and disk space for 4+ drives in the case] to replace my current one. Well I could always deal with the drives as USB drives, if things get "bad".

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