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On 8 Mar 2016, at 8:39 AM, Norbert Thiebaud <> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 10:22 AM, Thorsten Behrens
<> wrote:
I'm afraid we're in for that regardless. Norbert, Khaled, Tor IIRC & a
number of other hackers all came to the conclusion that the vcl font
API / the way Writer is doing layout is in serious need for rework,
My conclusion was that writer trying to mess with the layout directly
is an heresy
vcl should be doing the layout and writer and other may want to query
information about it (like the position of things for caret handling
purpose etc.. but should _never_ try to 'tweak' the positoing of
individual glyphs, even less via positioning individual character (to
the the n-n relation with glyphes)

I do think that the first step is to push the layouting tweaks/hacks
out of writer and into vcl itself,
make dxarray read-only,
and _then_ we are free to implement/improve stuff in vcl as desired.

LibreOffice mailing list
Do you have any code pointers where writer modifies the layout?



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