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On 01/15/2012 04:15 AM, csanyipal wrote:

I have a Spreadsheet in which I must fill many cells with numbers so so
every next cell contain a number that is bigger then the previous number by

However, these cells aren't neither side by side  nor one underneath another
and are in pair (see the uploaded example file).

Moreover I have divers for these cells, so every kind of these cells must
increasing it's number by two separately from other kind of cells.

In the example ods file uploaded here one can see for example that that the
cell by '5c' cell in the first instance has value '1' and to the right of
this cell there is another '5c' cell that has value '2'. In the raws bellow
somewhere are another pair of '5c' cells by which these values are increased
by 2: the first is '3' and the second is '4'. And there are other kind of
cells, like '5a', '5b', '6a', '6b', '6c', etc. too that must be increased in
the next instance by 2.

How can I achieve that that the value of these cells get increased
automatically by 2?

Best Regards from
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I could not open the spreadsheet. But your basic formula =cell_address + 2, for example if you have data in d4 and wish to update f5 in f5 you enter =d4+2. You can copy and paste formula to other cells and the reference will be updated.
Note using $ in the cell address changes the reference from relative to 
absolute (does not change)
Jay Lozier

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