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I installed it with no problems using the procedure outlined at:
I'm really liking 4.0 so far...

On 02/09/2013 04:21 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:
On 02/09/2013 03:07 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I downloaded the .Deb for Ubuntu (and others) twice yday and tried
installing it as per instructions but when i tried running LibreOffice
from the command-line by typing in


I got an error message saying that LibreOffice couldn't run because i was missing a package called something like


when i looked through all the packages in the Deb and desktop integration
folders i found there was one!  I'm sure it's been there in previous
releases?!  However when i double-click on a docX or odt or anything
then LibreOffice 4 does successfully open it.

So, it's a bit weird but doesn't seem to be problem unless i try that odd way of opening LO in a way that i would never normally have tried unless i wanted to try to collect error reports and stuff (ie never).
Regards from
Tom :)

I confirm the CLI libreoffice gives the error missing libreoffice-common run sudo apt-get libreoffice-common.
This was using LO 4.0 (direct download) and Mint 13 Maya. All the 
features have beens installed including help-pack and SDK
LO 4.0 does run when menu or file is clicked.

What is the CLI entry to run LO 4.0 in Linux I think is the question.

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