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Some notes & requests from the meet earlier this a.m.


A week from now, I'll be mailing out a "scope" for SWOT and PEST analyses of LibO in North America; in other words, outlines of what these would include and estimated delivery dates.
Please feel free to tell me what you think needs to be addressed (or 
shouldn't be left out) as I cobble these together.  Now is a good time 
to collect any thoughts you may have.
LibO in Browser*
I've seen one or two video demos floating around the web but I want to get my hands on it in-house and lurk in the appropriate channels. Can someone help?
*LibO & Collaboration
*Skydrive, Sharepoint, Google Docs,, et al & LibO. Is there a roadmap for, or discussion going on about, this kind of collaboration? This has been on my radar for over a year now. Not sure what to do w/it.
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