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No, I have many Ubuntu distros back to 0704, however I just haven't had the time to learn how to get Windows only apps to work in Ubuntu. I built two Ubuntu 0704 systems and sold both them. I like the 1004 LTS. I am using a Toshiba laptop with Windows 7. My client uses Windows XP Professional on a desktop. I haven't thoroughly examined Key View yet.

On 2/13/2012 10:49 AM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
Hello Gregory

The work for you will to be to generate PDF files from Key View in an automated fashion in the same directory as the original LWP to create viewable documents and reducing user error.
I assumed that more editing was not required at that time.

?Are you using linux/unix?

On 2/4/2012 8:53 PM, Gregory Forster wrote:
I already have installed Key View for my client. However, he has trouble using it (user error) and has hundreds of files to view.

On 2/1/2012 12:08 PM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
KeyView for Lotus is a WordPro document viewer.

It is probably Windows only, but might work under WINE if you are on linux.
NOTE: originally designed for Win95/3.1 (google to find out more)

Download file: Kvlotus.exe

Check that it will work with your documents and that they will look correct when printed.
If they do, output files as PDF as they are for reference only.
DO NOT GET RID OF LWP ORIGINALS. The day may come when that import filter will become totally correct.
If you can write script, do a directory crawl with print attribute 
to pdf.
Hope this helps.

PS: Google docs imports PDF and export ODF.

On 1/26/2012 6:30 PM, Gregory Forster wrote:
How do I open LotusWord Pro documents? When I click on the document in Windows Explorer, I get a blank screen. When I enter LibreOffice and open the document, I get a blank screen. In LibreOffice, I File/Open, change the file selection to Lotus WordPro document (*.lwp), select the file and still get a blank screen.

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