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        Thank you Tom for this adicional information.


Jorge Rodríguez


El lun, 22-08-2011 a las 02:54 +0100, Tom Davies escribió:
Hi :)
Kexi is the database app in Calligra.  Calligra is a fork of KOffice.  KOffice 
gave all their remaining database devs to Calligra and dropped their version of 
the database.  Calligra seems very active.  

Unfortunately Calligra and KOffice are really quite dependant on the K Desktop 
Environment (KDE).  They do have a port for Windows (and possibly Mac, i'm not 
sure).  Calligra have also developed a few apps that can work on mobile 
platforms but that doesn't include Kexi yet.  

So,  the non-KDE versions of distros are going to ask for a  lot of 
dependencies, probably Qt libraries and stuff.  You will probably need to add 
the appropriate official repos.  

For Ubuntu you can try
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
to install all of Kubuntu into Ubuntu but you might want to revert to your Gnome 
or Unity DE at the login prompt (have a look along the bottom task-bar/panel 
when you get the login prompt).

A few people are now working on Base.  A couple of devs and i think 1 for 
documentation (might be 2).  It is a tough challenge but that makes it fun 
Regards from
Tom :)

From: jorge <>
Sent: Mon, 22 August, 2011 1:30:27
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Kexi


    Many days ago some of us were talking about BASE and its problems. One
of you noted about "Kexi" base program that's part of Office Suite of
KDE ... as alternative of BASE.

    I installed that Office suite in Fedora 15 and opened access 2003 data
base that I have. I can't probe with 2007 access data base because I
don't have an example of that.

    I'm not use it a lot but it looks good. I suggest to others to test it
if have time and are interested because it would be an alternative to
BASE if it won't improve in the next time.

    I have to say that the KDE complete Office suite (Included Kexi) isn't
in Ubuntu 10.04 lts repositories. I think is a recently improved program
of KDE.

    I hope this post help some one though it isn't part of LO.


Jorge Rodríguez

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Jorge Rodríguez

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