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On Tue, 2012-12-18 at 14:51 +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:

What is our policy about MS Word import? Should it give the same
result as in MS Word, or where MS Word is buggy it should give a
"correct" result?
The ideal is that we get the same results as in MS Word. Where there is
a conflict between fidelity and correctness (or our own legacy
behaviour) then add new compatibility options. We've a few of those
already, (tools->options->writer->compatibility) plenty of them are
MSWord compatibility options, and MSWord itself has a load of such
options, like "layout asian text like word 6" and "line break like
wordperfect 2" (well options *like* that if not exactly those ones). In
theory we should have every compatibility option that MSWord has plus a
bunch more.

That's the general idea anyway, gets tricky in practice of course to
identify and isolate what's going on to identify if there's a specific
compatibility tweak required and its exact required behaviour



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