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On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 3:38 AM, Marc Paré <> wrote:
Yes, in fact, my oldest son attends University of Waterloo in Waterloo
Canada; a university with over 30,000 students. He says that no one knows of
LibreOffice and that OpenOffice is still quoted as the MSO replacement.
Yes, that's the prevailing impression that I get at universities in
the NE US as well.

I really think that LibreOffice has an opportunity to get its name
known on campuses (in the US, Canada, and further afield). Obviously
the ideal would be for campuses to adopt LO as their primary office
suite, or at least provide official support for it, but even without
that level of commitment I think that some well-planned marketing
efforts by our teams could really increase LO name-recognition.

We should really
get an print-ready article ready for the Fall university session to market

where would you suggest that the article be run? In university newspapers?

As far as funds, there has been talk of funds for the N.American region, but
this is still ongoing. We have to keep in mind that the project is only one
year old and there was a lot of energy put into getting the project going as
quickly as possible. We are still very much at the organizational stage for
the NA market.
it's great to hear that things are moving forward, and that there is
some preliminary discussion of funding for marketing efforts. Planning
some articles/events for Fall term (as you have suggested) sounds like
a really good way to engage with that segment of the market.


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