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On 03.10.2011 18:06, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
Hi Bjoern,

In order to get MinGW (and Windows in general) build to green again, I
pushed the following hack:

I am sure it is not the right gbuild solution, but I fail to see the
right one.  The problem is that the path for Python scripts is
$(OUTDIR)/bin on Windows, but $(OUTDIR)/lib on Linux, but I got lost in
where I should set it the best way, etc.

Can you please have a look & fix it the correct way?
it seems like you want $(gb_Helper_OUTDIRLIBDIR). gb_Helper_OUTDIRLIBDIR is set by the platform to the path the dynamic linker need to 
(and it also took me a ridiculously long time to find this...)

hmm... there are an awful lot of gb_foo_PRECOMMANDs that mostly contain
the same hardcoded platform-specific LD_LIBRARY_PATH-equivalent....



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