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On 30/10/16 13:22, Ken Springer wrote:
Trying to learn a bit about Linux, as well as solve a printing issue with LO in Linux Mint 17.3. The printer is a Samsung CLP-315 color laser.
When printing a spreadsheet, and selecting landscape, LO prints 
landscape, but to paper that is still portrait.  Sort of like this...
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The dots represent the data that is trying to be printed.

If I set the paper to portrait, this is the result. All the data is printed.
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My suspicion is the printer driver, but I would like to install the current Linux stable version. Mint installs, which is the current version in the repository, from what I can see.
I know it's somewhat apples to oranges, but the same spreadsheet works 
fine on my Mac with the current version of LO.
Once I've downloaded the current version, where to I go from there?

Hi Ken,
There any many versions of Linux, just look at to see. If you are wishing to stay with Mint, then take a look at their home page. There plenty are of good options and you will find that people have their preferences and tend to stay with them. I use MX-Linux, which is based on Debian, like MInt, and is a mid sized but very stable operating system. MX has LO built in.
Where you setting your portrait/landscape option, in LO?


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