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On 07/09/2011 08:34 PM, planas wrote:
On Sat, 2011-07-09 at 20:02 -0400, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:

On 07/09/2011 06:11 PM, planas wrote:

On Sat, 2011-07-09 at 14:40 -0400, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:

Has anyone used RapidShare for sharing ISO files?
      Never used, what about SourceForge or LO main site?
SourceForge has file size limits that will not allow for DVD size
files.  I have tried them and that is how I know this.

The issue with the main LO site is "how do I get the .iso file there"?
The only way I know is to give FTP access to my files and they download
ALL of the files in ALL of the folders THEN they create the ISO file[s]
and place them on their servers.  It has been months since I have heard
anything about having the ISOs on the LO site, since just before the CMS
system was offered.  Right now, the CMS version of the NA DVD is being
rebuilt and it will be only one line [so far] 3.3.x.  The current
version of the NA DVDs at the LibreOffice-NA.US testing portal has 3.3.3
Windows and Windows-Linux-Mac install versions with the same for the
3.4.1 installs.  That makes 4 DVDs that could be available for download
and burning.

I have kept that testing portal as up-to-date as I can.  Right now, with
my broadband access, my upload speed takes about 7 hours or more to
upload a full set of Windows, Linux [.deb and .rpm], and Mac [PPC and
Intel], installs to the portal.  The CMS server system will be great,
when the pages are online and fully edited to the point that the
LibreOffice-NA.US portal DVD pages are.  The 3.3.3 pages on that CMS
system should be ready by the end of August, and hopefully before then.
But, after the W-L-M version for 3.3.x installs is ready, then there
will need to be one for the 3.4.x line and the Windows-only versions for
those who do not want to download a DVD .iso file has the other OSs and
is about twice the file size.  3.3.3 installs - Windows-only is about
1.9 GB in size, while Windows-Linux-Mac is about 3.9 GB in size.
Windows-only users would rather not download the extra 2 GB of file
size, or at least I would not if I had the option not to.
    I was not aware of the size issues.

The folders that hold the files for that are used to create the DVDs,
use the following space on a Linux formated drive:

Windows only - 1.9 GB
Windows, Linux [deb, rpm], Mac [PPC, Intel] - 3.7 GB

Windows only - 1.8 GB
Windows, Linux [deb, rpm], Mac [PPC, Intel] - 3.4 GB

The DVDs have a larger space need due to the formatting type.
3.3.3 has two Windows installs all-language and multi-language
3.4.1 has only one Windows install "multi-language".

Windows - 8 help packs plus the install file - 9 total for 3.4.1 and 10 for 3.3.3
Linux - deb/rpm/32-bit/64-bit - 8x4 help packs and 7x4 language packs
           60 files total plus the install files - 64 files total

Mac - PPC/Intel - have 14 total language pack files, but no help packs - 16 files total.
Plus all the dictionaries, documentation, extensions, templates, 
artwork, etc., etc..
That takes a lot of file space.

I was thinking that seems the only place that may allow these large
files to have a home for sharing.

I want to have a place that could be a home for the LibreOffice DVD ISO
files so they can be shared with others who can download and burn DVDs.

My hosting company will not allow files larger than 700+ MB and the two
DVD versions [3.3.3 and 3.4.1] of LibreOffice are over 3.4 GB in size.
The account has not issues of having 100 GB of executable files online
but if I have any ISO files, then they say that I am a repository and it
is not allowed.

My email account[s] is limited to under 500 MB file size even though I
have one that has a 1 GB inbox/outbox size.  So I have problems with
getting these files to anyone.

Does anyone have any suggestions on low-cost or free places to share
these LibreOffice ISO files?

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