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Well, I tried AOO and EuroOffice for Android.  AOO wanted a wider screen 
resolution for its toolbar than I had on my 10.1 tablet. Worked, but it 
did work.  EuroOffice had less features, but it fit on my screen.  WPS 
was "factory installed" and works fine, for non-ODF documents.
SO I have EuroOffice's Writer and Calc apps installed, along with WPS 

On 01/16/2015 03:47 AM, Alex Thurgood wrote:
Le 15/01/2015 15:49, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster a écrit :


For non-ODF editing [ .doc and .docx ] . . . Which Android app would you
use?  I do not want Cloud computing since most of the time the tablet
will not have access to the Net.

In my experience, so far, nothing is perfect.

If your Android device is a tablet running Kitkat 4.4, then you should
be able to use Microsoft's own, free, Word/Excel/Powerpoint Preview
apps, which are currently in generalized beta testing.

I have tried, WPS Office, Textmaker/Planmaker/Presentations Mobile (paid
app), DocsToGo (paid app), QuickOffice, Olive Office Premium (IMO the
worst of the lot so far), all with varying degrees of success.


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