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Hi Philip,

I have just been reminded that under "Tools -> Options -> Languages" the
"Asian" checkbox needs to be set. You can leave the drop-down list set
to "None". Not sure if a LO restart is necessary, but it can' do any harm.

This works for The TDF distributed edition for Linux, but I cannot say
if it works for any distro provided edition.


On 17/03/2020 14:49, Philip Jackson wrote:
On 17/03/2020 14:45, Dave Barton wrote:
I am currently reviewing a chapter for the Impress User Guide 6.4.

Part of this chapter refers to the "Text Toolbar" which is not visible
by default. Once the toolbar is made visible it should be possible to
make 3 additional toolbar buttons visible:
* Vertical Text
* Fit Vertical Text to Frame
* Vertical Callouts

Under LO Version: (x64 & x86) Windows and Linux (x64) these 3
additional buttons cannot be made visible and the functions they provide
cannot be accessed via this toolbar.
The issue does NOT appear in:
LO portable or (x86 only)
Linux Mint provided Version

I have checked Bugzilla and unless I have overlooked it this issue does
not appear to have been reported yet.

Could someone here please check if this is a real issue or just a glitch
in the configuration of my machines?
Just checked in my version of Impress (Version:  Build ID:

I can get the three extra buttons to appear under 'visible buttons' when
I click the drop down box in the Text Toolbar.  But I can't make them
permanently visible - they remain grayed out and non-functional.

I also have a Windows10 box with LO 64bit - downloaded directly
from the LO website. Its behavior is the same - non-functional and
grayed out.

I have failed to correct this by trying to customize the toolbar.
Customization works if I add (for example) Basic Shapes to the toolbar,
the button is added and is functional.  But no success with the 3
vertical buttons.


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