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Libre office won't work for you with Jaws.  Neither will Open Office.
You need to get NVDA if you want to use this program in Windows.
Since you are beta testing Jaws, bug Freedom Scientific to see if they
can improve support for it.  You are in a position to have more
likelihood of being listened to.

Aelx m

On 2/8/12, Tom Davies <> wrote:
Hi :)
Apparently the best version of java is the 6u21 version. The 20 and 22 are
next best.  After 24 LO might run into problems unless you are using LO
3.5.0 which is still not yet officially released but you might be able to
use the pre-release.  The 3.5.0 can use java 7 at last.

Hopefully whichever java you are using is working fine but if there are
difficulties then checking the jave version might help

Tools - Options - Java

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 8/2/12, Christophe Strobbe <>

From: Christophe Strobbe <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] configuring libreoffice for
Date: Wednesday, 8 February, 2012, 19:58

Hello Don,

Some configuration is necessary, but:
1) I don't know how easy they are to undertake with a screen reader, and
2) the benefit may not be what you expect.

My comment about the benefit of the configuration is that LibreOffice
accessibility on Windows relies on Java Accessibility, which is not very
well supported by screen readers. For better results, LibreOffice would need
a different accessibility system called IAccessible2, but as long as has not integrated this, LibreOffice can't or won't integrate
IAccessible2 either (in order to avoid duplication of the same work).

Now to the configuration:
1. First, you need Java and the Java Access Bridge, which you already have.
However, if there is more than one Java Runtime Environment on your machine,
you need to make sure that the Access Bridge is installed in the Runtime
used by LibreOffice, or in all your Java Runtime environments. You can check
which Runtime LibreOffice is using by going to the Options dialog (go to
Tools menu, then Options) and navigating to the Java pane; you need to wait
a few seconds while LibreOffice fetches the info about the available
runtimes. The list of runtimes also says if the Access Bridge is installed
in them. (If the text next to the vendor and version info says: "with
accessibility support", then the runtime has the Access Bridge.)
2. After checking the runtimes and the Access Bridge, you need go to
"Accessibility" in the Options dialog (it is the item above or before Java).
The Accessibility pane contains a checkbox that says: "Support assistive
technology tools (restart required)". You need to check this and restart

However, because of the lacking support for Java Accessibility in screen
readers, some people use IBM Lotus Symphony instead. Lotus Symphony uses
IAccessible2 instead of Java Accessibility; it is free but not open source.
Some people have compared JAWS and NVDA for accessing LibreOffice and found
NVDA somewhat better. You can download NVDA for free; if you use the
portable version, you can even run it from a USB stick or your hard disk
without an installation procedure (some unpacking is needed, but nothing

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


At 19:45 8-2-2012, Don Raikes wrote:
I ma using jaws 13.0.638 (beta), windows7 64-bit jdk 1.7.0U02 with
accessbridge 2.0.2, and I downloaded and installed libreoffice 3.4.5

After the installation completed, I tried using the libreoffice calc
program but jaws didn't read anything in the spreadsheet. I couldn't even
tell that I was in a spreadsheet.

Also jaws does not seem to be reading the menus properly, nor is it
reading any of the buttons in the tools -> options dialog.

Are there any things I need to do to configure libreoffice for

-- Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Dept. of Electrical Engineering - SCD
Research Group on Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2442
B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
tel: +32 16 32 85 51
Twitter: @RabelaisA11y
Open source for accessibility: results from the AEGIS project
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