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On 1/3/11 8:03 AM, Larry Gusaas wrote:

So pointing out the Novell/Microsoft marketing agreement that led to the
inclusion of writing to OOXML would not be a positive contribution?

I will repeat the concept for the last time, as it looks like you have real problem in understanding it. It might be because my English is far from perfect, but it looks like you do not understand even if there are English native speakers telling the same thing.

We all know the Novell/Microsoft agreement. Only a small percentage of TDF founders is involved with Novell and most of the others - including me - are active opponents of OOXML as a document format. I speak at conferences to explain the disadvantages of using OOXML, I write about it, I am featured in the press.

During the standardization process of OOXML, I have participated in standards committees in order to try to stop the process or to make the standard a better one. Charles Schulz has done the same in France. We all know the story.

So long for the concept.

TDF was born as a software project to serve the user. Therefore, the right attitute for a positive contribution would have been the opposite from yours: i.e. not writing OOXML would be an advantage for the user, because...

Unfortunately, the thread was started on the basis that writing OOXML was equal to supporting Microsoft, and that LibreOffice should not support Microsoft.

As I have told several times, a negative attitude against anyone - being an infividual, an entity, a government body, or a corporation - is not considered a positive contribution.

I hope it is clear now, I will not write it again.

Which version of OOXML does LibreOffice write to? The official standard
approved version? Or one of the proprietary Microsoft versions? Which
one? Or are these not positive inquiries?

Charles has explained that LibreOffice writes OOXML transitional, i.e. the format supported by MS Office today.

How about commenting on the articles criticizing OOXML? Oh right, that
is not positive either. Besides it contravenes the Novell/Microsoft

I have written articles, spoken at conferences, provided statements criticizing OOXML. I have never seen something similart from you.

Any comment on the Novell/Microsoft marketing agreement and how it
affects the development of LibreOffice? Or would that not be positive

If you have a personal agenda against Microsoft, there are many places where your agenda is going to be considered a positive one. Here we do not share this AGAINST concept, and we consider any personal agenda AGAINST someone as useless and extremely negative for TDF.

Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
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