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On 05/25/2011 11:37 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Hi Tim et al

Le 2011-05-25 11:21, Andrea Pescetti a écrit :
webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
With Oracle's dropping OOo, the links for the Extensions at
seem not to work most times.
I don't know how many times people had to write it already, and Volker
just tried to explain it again, but... despite what most people seem to
think, is NOT hosted by
Oracle but by; Thorsten Bosbach sent an update yesterday,
please see
and the OSUOSL service ticket id is #18367 (but I actually don't know if
tickets are exposed through a web interface).


I have to say, that the extensions site have been a little erratic 
ever since the move to the new Drupal website. It is just going 
through some growing pains. I'm sure it will work fine and be more 
dependable in time.

So even if Oracle drops all support for OOo, this site will still be up? Oracle has ended OOo support and development, according to the news on the lists and such. So I wonder what will happen to the OOo domain since Oracle "owns" that name as a "trademark". Who will be paying for the domains name and such if Oracle "ends" everything involved with that name and product line?
That is some of my concern.

I think TDF should think about creating their own list of Extensions and Templates that is hosted and stored on a site that TDF controls, SO we do not need to have LO users go to a OOo site.

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