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You may be the first one to spot it missing in gtk. I must admit I've never noticed the discrepancy. I'd try filing a query on gnome.

Sgrìobh Martin Schneeweis na leanas 31/12/2015 aig 16:52:
Hi Michael,

thank you for the answer - may be I should clarify that I did not post
on this list because I wanted anybody to change something - I posted on
this list because I thought may be someone can help me understand the
whole text thingy a little better.

Yes, I know that the file dialogs are provided by the operating system,
but if I am not mistaken, some aspects of the dialog (window title,
field labels, ...) are parameterized by LO.

The missing "File type:" label on linux (gnome) may well be a gtk
error, in any case, this would be the wrong list (I just thought maybe
someone knows about that probleme (or if that is intentional) - it's a
missing text after all (I did not find any bug mentioning that missing

Thanks again and happy new year,

*Akerbeltz <>*
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