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Hi Alexander,

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Alexander Thurgood
<> wrote:
Le 10/12/10 17:00, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :

Manually fiddling is only necessary when you already did fiddle :-)

Uh oh :-) I haven't done anything other than install all those deps as
outlined in the wiki,
That is already fiddling unfortunately.

Plain Mac OSX with XCode, no external stuff is easiest to get started,
use --disable-mozilla and off you go.

and then put /usr/local/bin as first entry in my
path (because otherwise automake wouldn't play nicely with autoconf).
See above/the other posts. The requirement for external
autoconf/automake surely are wrong, as is the one for hunspell and
coreutils. wget and Archive::Zip again definitely are wrong. Java
Developer Package: No idea what is meant here, but unneccessary
anyway. You got a suitable JDK already on Mac.
pkgconfig is arguable, as it's handy when compiling mozilla from
scratch, as is libIDL.

I myself have a directory in my $PATH where I have symlinks to ccache
for the compilers - maybe you got something similar but miss the
corresponding links for gcc-4.0, etc?
I haven't installed ccache yet.
You should - greatly helps to reduce buildtime, but use the current
version (It got a new maintainer lately and has made some nice
progress compared to the 2.4 release)

I remember I had it on my old Tiger
machine, but I don't recall it being such a hair-tearing experience :-()
Again: Building on Mac is easy when you got a clean system. The more
external stuff you add, the more difficult it gets to build,
especially as LO is compiled against the 10.4uSDK, and most/all of the
external stuff is not...



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