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Le 2010-10-18 13:29, André Schnabel a écrit :

Am 18.10.2010 19:13, schrieb Marc Paré:
as the planet is actually in place - you suggest to blog the minutes in
parallel? .. well .. I think, we can do this.

Are you thinking of posting to different sites?
No minutes should stay at the wiki, but we can announce the availabity
through several ressources.

I would prefer if the
minutes were posted only on one site. People will get used to going to
that particular site. I also would prefer to see it on the planet. It
just seems like the most logical place.
Yes - sounds logical. But I feel we would need some kind of secretary
post all this stuff and keep people informed (I know, Michael Meeks will
hate me for this :) ).

Anyway - I'll look, if we can/should have a Steering Committee blog for
all SC members (would be confusing, if SC-minutes are posted at
different blogs, even if they are all visible at the palanet - imho).


Hi André

I don't think that we really need a blog for each member, but perhaps just one for the SC meeting minutes. Might be less of an effort than to arrange a blog for everyone. Hmmm ... is that what you meant by needing a secretary?

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