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On 01/17/2013 10:35 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2013-01-17 07:10, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote on 2013-01-15 16:07:
I live in the "county seat" plus just across the river from down town of
the County's "capital" city, and we do not have good things like that.
For the $40 USD we get 15 down and 1 up, if we are very lucky. Even
though we are paying for that service, we usually get about a tenth of
that on a normal day.
oh, that's really sad to hear. :-(
Before we have some IPv6-only hosts -- which will only be testing
machines anyways -- I want to give some instructions on how to get IPv6
connectivity, independent from your ISP.

I have held some talks/workshops on that, and also have some small
howto, I just need to adapt this a bit, and then plan to publish it.


Sadly, the same conditions that Tim explained are pretty well the same 
in Canada. Although, most universities and and some public sector 
entities have ramped up to meet these needs. For example, my school 
board (Waterloo Catholic School Board), the Waterloo Public School 
Board and the University of Waterloo teamed up 5 years ago and laid 
their own fibre optic lines. They just got tired of waiting for 
private industry to provide fibre optic lines. We now have a blazing 
fast intranet and we also sell space on it to private industry to pay 
back the costs of line installation -- we now compete with private 
I think a problem that we encounter here in N.America that is not seen 
in Europe is that our national fibre optic lines are run by private 
industry whereas in EU, most states own nationalized their lines. The 
N.American model is build on "for profit first" and companies are 
reluctant to upgrade quickly if they are making decent profits from 
their lines. The profit margin in upgrading is just too small.
BTW ... we just got our fibre optic lines for our neighbourhood just 
last week. And, as absurd as it sounds, the line into our house is not 
fibre optic. The companies still offer blazing speeds, but the 
homeowners rarely get one half of what they pay for.
Europe is definitely ahead of us on this.



Fiber to the poles and then coax to the homes is what seems to be the standard in USA, if there is fiber anywhere near the homes/businesses in the user's area. I never know anyone had fiber tothe homes, until I saw it on a program where they were running newer fiber lines to a community in the Netherlands. They showed the fiber connections in the homes next to the phone and TV connectors in the home's utility "closet" in the basement.
There is no profit to run new backbone services to my area of New York 
State.  "You got 15 MB/s, so why do you need more?"  Well I usually get 
only a tenth of that most times I look at my service bandwidth.  I get 
about 0.150 MB/s, instead of 1.0 MB/s I am paying for, for my upload 
speed.  They advertise faster file transfer to your client with the 
business service, i.e. for your own web server connected to their 
Internet cable to your business, but in reality my area will never get 
that service due to the state of the wiring in my community.  No real 
profit to upgrade the fiber to nodes to coax to building.  They even 
offer "free" to have your cable channels viewable from your laptops and 
tablets but will not tell you how to access it in my area since the 
current abilities of my area's service will not handle the additional 

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