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On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 10:57:18PM +0200, Katarina Behrens wrote:
Hello world, 
I use Delphi to develop an application which needs to work with MS
office and LibreOffice. I've a question about Chart in Libreoffice, 
supported methods. Or use Xray (in Basic) to examine the objects to
learn the supported methods.
Yay for XRay \o/ Get it from here:

It's really an excellent tool for object introspection and learning about API, 
esp. when you're a visual learner. 
Or you use the, which comes with
LibreOffice since 5.1, like so (StarBasic example):

  TheServiceDocumenter = 
GetDefaulftContext().getValueByName("/singletons/") # this 
should be simpler[1]

showServiceDocs shows you the service details about
UnoThingThatYouWhatToKnowMoreAbout by opening the relevant service page from in your browser.
showInterfaceDocs shows you everything you can do with this service by opening
the links of all interfaces it implements in your browser. Not though for
something like "ThisComponent" in Writer this might be quite a lot.

So as you see, no need to install extensions to simply find out what an UNO service
is and what it provides in LibreOffice. ;)

More details at:



[1] see 


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