On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 08:19 -0400, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
On 05/04/2011 05:52 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Sorry for getting on this and commenting a little late on insert.
not late.
* on the globe. Please remove the "e" from "Française", it should read
* as this is an insert, p.1 (Contact Us panel), there are many
weblinks without properly written URL. The URL's need to be written
out. Example: Facebook section "a group", "fan page" need to be
replaced by their respective URL's.
right - as I said 'copied right from website, few edits made yet'
* p. 1, section: Why are we calling yourselves "The Document
Foundation" -- I would suggest either modifying "For ten years" to
"For over ten years" or "In the past". Otherwise, the word "ten" will
have to be modified to "eleven" next year and "twelve" the next year
etc. We can make this affirmation less based on a number of years to
avoid having to update the insert on a yearly basis.
* p. 1, section: "Why are calling the software "LibreOffice" instead
of "OpenOffice.org?" I think the answer is now out-dated. I think the
official line is that the LibreOffice name is here to stay and
OpenOffice.org is no longer a consideration. We had hope to get and
use the OpenOffice.org name. Anyway, this needs to be updated. Italo
could help with this, so that we get the official line on this answer.
* p. 1, section: "Why are you building a new web infrastructure?" The
answer needs to be redone and the word "today" removed.
* p. 1, section: "What does this announcement mean to other derivative
of OpenOffice.org? The answer section: "We are delighted" needs
updating from "will be merged" to "have been merged".
* p. 2, second panel, links URL should be typed in (similar to the p.
1, 1st panel)
* p. 3, second panel. There is spacing problems for the "For certain
features of ... for Base." Not sure but it looks like you should
remove and empty line.
Note: sorry, if I missed this, but where is this insert going?
The original need was to have some insert for the inside of the DVD.
Think Movie DVD insert that hold info on the DVD you just bought.
This insert was to do the following:
1] Tell people how to use this DVD
2] Tell what is on the DVD
3] Give info on system resources needed
4] Give more info about LibreOffice and the NA project.
That is how I pictured it.
Good overview, IMO.
@Tim - to touch on your last email about 'info of what's on the disc',
if you recall I sent a first idea a while back, with just that info,
folks asked for I thought more with what I had in this second - but yes
it needs both, so instead of subtracting yet, I added - right now 9 1/2
panels (each panel has to to shrink still also...joy)
I didn't put this longer version to to the server yet - I'll try to pull
some out (perhaps the whole FAQ section and most of the first panel) -
then do so. Unless you want the long version now..(let me know)
The actual size has to be able to fit into the DVD case so the height
cannot be larger than 7 inches.
Right - and the layout right now is 11 inches to the paper edge. So it
is looking like we need to some choices pretty quick - Maybe 6 panels is
not going to work, even for the tall (larger) case. We can move to two
up page layout, which means a staple charge, but then we can have 4, 8
or 12 pages.
Thoughts on that?
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